
Card Carrying Christians

Patrick: The Baptist Missionary to the Druids

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Laugh, dance, get drunk. These are the top three objectives of 90% of Americans every March 17th. But, isn't it interesting that Saint Patrick's Day is set to celebrate the day of his death? Could this be because dead men tell no tales and false tales have conquered the truth of who he really was?

Patrick's Forgotten Story

Long before Roman Catholicism took control of Europe and even longer before the Protestant Reformation, Christian missionaries arrived in the British Isles. There they found the powerful cult of the Druids, an ancient order of powerful sorcerers who guarded the pre-flood secrets of the fallen angels and held all people in mortal terror. Centuries later, Ireland would be the battleground between this black-hearted paganism and one of the greatest Bible-believing preachers of all time! His fascinating history would later be hijacked so that a new cult based hundreds of miles away could lead the Emerald Isle back into darkness.

Regardless of the centuries of garbled stories history has handed down to us, many historians in recent times have been actively separating the legends of Patrick from the life of Patrick. What is now left is a passionate, Bible-banging preacher with a thick Scottish accent and a knack for convicting, converting, baptizing, and educating full grown men and making missionaries out of them. Visit our website on Roman Catholicism to check out our recently added section on this forgotten saint by clicking the button below.

Do you think that a glass of green Guinness would be a little harder to gulp down if "Saint Patrick" were recognized not as a shamrock bearing priest, who has had a few too many himself, but as a fiery Baptist preacher of the sort that raises a sinner's blood pressure every time they cross paths?

Let us know what you think by responding to this email or leaving a comment at the bottom of our web page. Also remember that the best two completely free ways to support our ministry are with prayers and shares!

God bless!

Joseph Armstrong

Card Carrying Christians

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